Why Easy Green Recipes?

The mental load of cooking can be a killer. Trust me, I HEAR you!

But I want to help change that.

I’m Jen - a food writer, copywriter, recipe developer, author, wife, mum, cheese enthusiast, sustainable gastronome and home cook.

Each Monday, I send out an easy, plant-forward (but totally delicious) recipe that I’ve testing on my own pack of hungry carnivores. There’s no long anecdote about life, the universe and everything that you have to scroll through to get to the good stuff.

Some of the recipes are also audio described in a recipecast, so you can literally cook along with me. (Don’t worry - I’ll tell you when to stop the podcast and do your bit!)

I don’t want to overwhelm your inbox (I know the struggle is real) but I hope the recipes inspire you to think differently and creatively (and more sustainably) about your food and to enjoy the whole palaver of getting meals on the table as much as I do.

Tell me what you think!

You can comment and discuss the recipes online. I love trouble-shooting in the kitchen, so tell me your struggles and we’ll work through them together!

Want to know more?

Find out more about me and my other writing here.

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Plant-forward ideas for flexitarian families